Costa Rica

There are very few places in the world that can offer such an incredible diversity of scenery, climate, and vacation pleasures as Costa Rica does…especially when you realize that it is only 150 miles wide, from ocean to ocean, and 250 miles long from border to border.

In what would be an area as small as the state of West Virginia, this land of wonders can offer, at any given time, the soothing effect of the sun rays at a tropical beach, the excitement of watching volcanoes erupt, the thrill of deep sea scuba diving, Sportfishing (see fishing seasons), white water rafting and mountain biking, the quiet, peaceful serenity of the mountain resorts, where cooler temperatures offset the heat of the coastal areas and fireplaces provide the right atmosphere for a hot chocolate, an intimate swiss-fondue dinner or the awesome presence of the quetzal, one of the most beautiful birds in the world… and much much more!

In addition to all of the above, the friendliness of the Costa Rican people, one of the highest-literacy nations in the world, make the foreign traveler feel very much at ease and comfortable.
This country has something appealing to every kind of person looking for an ideal vacation destination. City-oriented people will find in San Jose the capital city a perfect place for strolling, people-watching, dining out, gambling at south of France style casinos, or enjoying an opera or ballet performance at the opera house. At the other extreme, adventure-oriented travelers will find the opportunity to hike through one of the many National Parks and Reserves that literally cover the country from north to south and from east to west, surf some of the best waves in the world, or dive deep into the ocean to come across hammerhead sharks and manta rays.

Sample itineraries

All itineraries are custom designed to your clients interests and based on hotel availability. Here are some example itineraries to get a greater idea of experiences.

  • Ultra Luxury Cultural Honeymoon

    Luxury Romantic Honeymoon

    Luxury Adventure Couple

    Superior Adventure Couple

    Moderate Mild Adventure Couple

  • Luxury Adventure Multi-Family

    Luxury Mild Adventure Family

    Superior Mild Adventure Family

    Moderate Eco Adventure Family

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Check out some of our great experiences by area. Experiences can be tailored to different levels of service. Feel free to inquire if you are looking for a interest not listed.